Authy is a Twilio service that provides two factor authentication as an API, making it easy to secure users accounts. Using authy services we can authenticate users by their phone number. OTP will be send on phone number and it will be verified at the twilio end.
In Gemfile.
We need an API key for Authy. You can get this from your Twilio account portal. Click the link to access the Authy dashboard.
If you don’t already have an Authy account, this will set one up for you. You will need to verify your email address and set up two factor authentication. Then you can create an application with Authy and this will give you your API key.
Create a new file authy.rb in config/initializers.
In authy.rb
Now, we can start phone verification via sending a sms.
In sessions controller
In routes.rb
In Gemfile.
# Use Authy for sending token gem 'authy' # Use Twilio to send confirmation message gem 'twilio-ruby'
We need an API key for Authy. You can get this from your Twilio account portal. Click the link to access the Authy dashboard.
If you don’t already have an Authy account, this will set one up for you. You will need to verify your email address and set up two factor authentication. Then you can create an application with Authy and this will give you your API key.
Create a new file authy.rb in config/initializers.
In authy.rb
Authy.api_key = 'api_key' Authy.api_uri = ''
Now, we can start phone verification via sending a sms.
In sessions controller
def send_otp response = Authy::PhoneVerification.start(via: "sms", country_code: 1, phone_number: "111-111-1111") render json: {response: response.message}, status: response.code end def verify_otp response = Authy::PhoneVerification.check(verification_code: "1234", country_code: 1, phone_number: "111-111-1111") if response.ok? # verification was successful end end
In routes.rb
resources :sessions do collection do post :send_otp post :verify_otp end end
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