It is very important in website building to keep your response times less. Long-running requests may be degrade server resource. In this situation we can perform some task in background using another resources.
Here we will use Resque for background job. Resque is a Redis-backed library for creating background jobs, placing those jobs on multiple queues, and processing them later.
Setting up Resque -
Hence, Resque is using Redis-backed library so we have to install first redis server -
Please follow the digital ocean link for installing redis
Set Up Redis -
config/initializers/resque.rb -
ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"] ||= "redis://username:password@host:1234/"
uri = URI.parse(ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"])
Resque.redis = =>, :port => uri.port, :password => uri.password, :thread_safe => true)
In Gemfile -
gem 'resque'
gem 'resque-web', require: 'resque_web'
Run bundle
Next include it in your application -
require 'resque'
Now we will create a queue for appointment receipt sender. For this create a folder of workers in app directory.
Create a file appointment_receipt_sender.rb -
class AppointmentReceiptSender
@queue = :appointment_receipt_sender_queue
def self.perform(appt_id)
appt = Appointment.find appt_id
client = appt.client
appt.receipt_sent_at =
In controller -
def appointment_receipt_sender
Resque.enqueue(AppointmentReceiptSender, appt_id)
To start a worker, create a Rakefile in your app's root (or add this to an existing Rakefile):
require 'your/app'
require 'resque/tasks'
This will load the Resque tasks and load the environment which is required for doing any work.
To start a worker that will pull work off of all queues run the command:
$ rake resque:work QUEUE=*
Monitoring the Resque Queue
Open your config/routes.rb and mount the application like this:
require 'resque/server'
MyApp::Application.routes.draw do
mount, at: "/resque"
Then restart your Rails server. Open up
On the Overview tab you can see a list of the queues and workers. Each queue shows a count of pending jobs. The list of workers displays what queue(s) each worker is working on, and the job currently being processed (if any).
Here we will use Resque for background job. Resque is a Redis-backed library for creating background jobs, placing those jobs on multiple queues, and processing them later.
Setting up Resque -
Hence, Resque is using Redis-backed library so we have to install first redis server -
Please follow the digital ocean link for installing redis
Set Up Redis -
config/initializers/resque.rb -
ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"] ||= "redis://username:password@host:1234/"
uri = URI.parse(ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"])
Resque.redis = =>, :port => uri.port, :password => uri.password, :thread_safe => true)
In Gemfile -
gem 'resque'
gem 'resque-web', require: 'resque_web'
Run bundle
Next include it in your application -
require 'resque'
Now we will create a queue for appointment receipt sender. For this create a folder of workers in app directory.
Create a file appointment_receipt_sender.rb -
class AppointmentReceiptSender
@queue = :appointment_receipt_sender_queue
def self.perform(appt_id)
appt = Appointment.find appt_id
client = appt.client
appt.receipt_sent_at =
In controller -
def appointment_receipt_sender
Resque.enqueue(AppointmentReceiptSender, appt_id)
To start a worker, create a Rakefile in your app's root (or add this to an existing Rakefile):
require 'your/app'
require 'resque/tasks'
This will load the Resque tasks and load the environment which is required for doing any work.
To start a worker that will pull work off of all queues run the command:
$ rake resque:work QUEUE=*
Monitoring the Resque Queue
Open your config/routes.rb and mount the application like this:
require 'resque/server'
MyApp::Application.routes.draw do
mount, at: "/resque"
Then restart your Rails server. Open up
in a browser to check out the web backend.On the Overview tab you can see a list of the queues and workers. Each queue shows a count of pending jobs. The list of workers displays what queue(s) each worker is working on, and the job currently being processed (if any).
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